Find out about asthma symptoms, medicines that help control asthma and what to do during an asthma attack.
A treatable, long-term lung condition that can cause breathlessness, coughing, mucus (sputum or phlegm) and sometimes wheezing.
COVID-19 symptoms, testing, vaccination, isolation, masks and what to do if you test positive.
Legionnaires' disease is a chest infection (pneumonia) caused by the Legionella bacteria. People usually catch the disease by breathing in water droplets that contain the bacteria from sources like soil, compost, potting mix, or spa pools and water systems.
Silicosis is a long-term lung disease. This happens when someone is exposed to large amounts of silica dust over a shorter time. Accelerated silicosis is when the disease comes on more quickly.
A common viral infection that narrows the upper airways. It is more common in pēpi (babies) over 6 months old and young tamariki (children) under 3.
Acute bronchitis is the most common type of chest infection. Bronchitis is an infection in the large airways in your lungs, called bronchi. Acute means it comes on quickly and does not last long.
A persistent cough is a cough that lasts longer than 6 to 8 weeks. It is also known as a chronic cough. If you have a persistent cough, see your healthcare provider so they can help you find out what is causing it and what you can do about it.