Mental health conditions are conditions that affect your mood, thinking and behaviour.
ADHD causes problems with your concentration, memory and impulsive behaviour.
If you feel anxious or worried so often it interferes with your daily life, you may need help for an anxiety disorder.
A lifelong condition that causes differences in communication, social skills and behaviour.
When you have bipolar disorder, your mood is sometimes very low (depression), and sometimes very high (elevated).
A type of mental health disorder. People with a personality disorder may find it difficult to think and act the way other people do.
Depression is when sadness takes over and does not go away.
A mental health conditions that leads to serious and unhealthy eating patterns.
It usually happens as part of a serious mental illness but there are some other causes.
A long-term mental illness. It can usually be very effectively treated with medications.
When you hurt your body on purpose. It can affect anyone, and takes many different forms.
Long term stress is bad for our health. With stress, most people can work out what is causing it.