Needs assessment service

The Needs Assessment Service assesses the needs of people who struggle with daily activities because of age, a health condition or disability. The goal of the needs assessment is to help people maximise their independence.

Getting a needs assessment

The Needs Assessment Service assess:

  • tamariki (children) and adults with disabilities
  • people with mental health issues
  • older people needing age-related support.

You can be referred for a needs assessment by your healthcare provider or you can refer yourself.

The assessment usually lasts 1 to 2 hours and will help us find out what support you need.

You can choose:

  • where the assessment takes place (for example, at home or at hospital)
  • to have a support person present.

Services and support

Services and support you may be referred to include:

  • doctors
  • occupational therapists
  • physiotherapists
  • social workers
  • dietitians
  • geriatricians, paediatricians, psychiatrists or other medical specialists
  • non-government organisations, for example, brain injury associations, Alzheimers New Zealand and Age Concern
  • home-based support providers – for support with personal care or essential housework
  • respite care providers
  • Supported Independent Living (for young disabled people)
  • Behaviour Support Services (for young disabled people)
  • meals on wheels.

Find the right needs assessment service for you

There are needs assessments services throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.

Disability needs assessment services

If you are looking for support because you or someone you care for is disabled, there are several ways you can get support from Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People.

Disability needs assessment services (external link)

Mental health needs assessment services

Need Assessment Services Co-ordination (NASC) agencies work with people to help identify their mental health needs and to outline what support services are available.

Mental health needs assessment services (external link)

Older peoples needs assessment services

Need Assessment Services Co-ordination (NASC) agencies work with older people to help identify their needs and to outline what support services are available.

Older peoples needs assessment services (external link)

Your rights - Health and Disability Commissioner website

Anyone receiving home support services has rights under the Code of Health and Disability Consumers’ Rights 1996.

Alzheimers New Zealand

Alzheimers New Zealand is the lead organisation at a national level representing people and whānau living with dementia mate wareware.

Age Concern

Age Concern New Zealand is a charity dedicated to people over 65, their friends, and whānau.

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